MEGAGEAR® — Cooler, Quieter, Stronger
When PEM began in 1975, we recognized that there was good demand for custom-designed gearboxes, especially for applications where high shock loads were encountered and space considerations were important. After years of research and development, PEM has designed gear teeth that have a unique involute geometry that can carry a higher horsepower with a longer surface and bending fatigue life.
PEM’s trademark gear, MEGAGEAR®, has symmetric flanks that can carry approximately 35% more horsepower than traditional gearing or upwards of ten times longer surface and bending fatigue life. With this new technology, we are able to competitively manufacture gearboxes with excellent durability and efficiency while using less material and a lighter smaller footprint.

Our MEGAGEAR® technology offers several advantages over conventional gears. We precisely calculated the optimal section of the involute curve as the tooth profile, which results in a greater contact area between gear teeth. The increased contact area reduces compressive stress, increases surface fatigue life, and makes load distribution more uniform. Our geometry also eliminates the possibility of tooth tip shearing.
Gearboxes using MEGAGEAR® technology perform better than those using standard gears. Equivalent-size gearboxes can have 35% more horsepower using MEGAGEAR®. In hydrostatic applications, the greater contact area between gear teeth allows for a thicker oil film, which improves mechanical load transfer. Since our gears have such low tooth deflection compared to conventional gears, gearboxes using MEGAGEAR® will run much quieter than other gearboxes.

Standard gear, 23 teeth, 4.233 NDP,20° PA, 30° HA 1264 HP at 3000 RPM, 50 million load cycles SCS@PCR of 1.0 = 231,000 PSI, 6.753 O.D.

MEGAGEAR®, 19 teeth, 4 NDP, 35° PA, 30° HA 1264 HP at 3000 RPM, 50 million load cycles SCS@SAP = 186,000 PSI, 6.813 O.D.

MEGAGEAR®, 19 teeth, 4 NDP, 35° PA, 30° HA 1686 HP at 3000 RPM, 50 million load cycles SCS@SAP = 215,000 PSI, 6.813 O.D.